We've been bursting with eagerness to tell you that we have decided to create two tracks for our training: personal and professional. I’ve been helping professionals for the last few months, and we’re finally ready to launch a new live course for those working on your personal family history or your own life story. Rachel J. Trotter will be teaching a 6-week, live group coaching program starting March 24 through April 28, at 10 AM Mountain Daylight time.
This small cohort will meet via Zoom. As a comparison, the same number of individual sessions would cost $762, so this is much more affordable. We also find that rich discussion can make a group setting even better. Another realization is that our capacity to work with individual clients is becoming pretty limited, and offering a group is the only way to keep helping as many people as we want.
Although this doesn’t start until March, please don’t wait to enroll because the seats could fill fast once RootsTech opens.
This course will help motivate to start writing your story (or that of a loved one), continue if your are stuck or finish!
This will be a live group coaching class on Wednesday starting March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21 and 28. The time is from 10 a.m. to noon., Mountain daylight time (that's noon-2 Eastern, 11-1 Central, and 9-11 Pacific, and 4 PM in London.) Sessions will be recorded so you can catch any replays you may miss.
This live, cohort style class will be offered via Zoom and will include a lot of discussion and time for questions. The class includes our flagship "how to write your life story" online course, and "how to conduct oral history interviews" course so you can stay motivated and review materials after the live component is finished.
This is meant to be an introductory guide to give an overview of the writing process with practical tools. Beginners take this class, as well as people who have already done a lot of work on their stories. You will have the chance to do some great writing!
We are keeping this group very small so students will get to know each other and will receive a lot of individual attention. If needed, we can add another class to accommodate numbers.
A live course and group coaching by Rachel J. Trotter. This class comes bundled with online courses, a $271 value alone.