Tell your story & craft meaningful family histories (Professional track)

A live beginner course for professionals - April 29 - June 3

Rhonda Lauritzen

Rhonda Lauritzen is a professional biographer with multiple published books. She specializes in life stories, collecting oral history, and historical storytelling. She earned an MBA from the University of Utah and was selected as the Outstanding Graduate in her undergrad major. Before she founded Evalogue.Life in 2016, she served as a college marketing director, Vice President, and a corporate CEO. In 2007, her writing journey began with her parents’ family business saga, which became her first book. Since then, she has been hired to help tell the stories of families, cities, and nonprofits. She believes that when you tell your story, it changes the ending. This is why her passion is teaching, coaching, and presenting at conferences.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a live 6 -week class.  The prepared instruction will run for 90 minutes with the recording on, and there will be another 30 minutes of discussion afterward.

No! This is meant a cohort-style live class with a lot of interaction and thought-provoking exercises. Each class will offer a prepared instruction plus group coaching.

There will be: 6-weeks of live instruction/group coaching; a closed FaceBook group so class members can network; a self-paced bonus course, and a half-day live workshop entitled, "Sensitive subjects, writing about the hard stuff."  

We hope you can join us live, but the sessions will be recorded. If you miss a class or want a refresh, you can go back and watch the replay.

It is great if you have already done some family history writing, but we assume you are just starting out in the business. We'll walk you through what it takes, even if you have never done anything like this professionally. This course will help you decide if you want to start this rewarding line of work.

We have established a professional mentoring group which you may join following this class. As part of that membership, you will be able to access future courses. 

We plan to open our methods and model, including how we price professional jobs, how we find clients, and plans for the future.

This 6 weeks will cover an introductory level to help you get started. There will be no official certification offered, but our current members have requested a certification, so we anticipate creating that in the future for our members. 


"Loved this class and I am so excited. I can see Oral History work as a way to bring together all my interests & everything that I love—family, other people & cultures, writing, photography - everything. Also, I love the energy you bring to your work— you bring so much light and enthusiasm!"
Lynette, Philippines

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“Rhonda, Thank you so much for the inspiration, education and encouragement you have so generously given through the weekly course. I feel very lucky to have found you.”
Andrew, Australia
I have thoroughly enjoyed this professional class!!! I've learned so much and all of the resources have been awesome! I appreciate the processes and the tools you've found to work best. Thank you again for offering this course. I’ve just loved it.  
Tera, United States
“Your class was a delightful learning experience. It was nice to realize that a few well-told stories of the most impactful lessons of your life are enough to pass on to posterity. Thanks again for your inspiration.”
Nina, Unites States
“Thank you for your informative class and the wonderful follow-up emails! Each person in the class enriched my life. Thank you for doing this."
Mary, United States
“Thank you so much, Rhonda. I'm so excited for the future and being able to be a part of your network.  This is going to be terrific!"
Shirley, United States