Sensitive Subjects 2021 version (Personal track)

Live full-day workshop Saturday, April 9

Course Summary

What if everything wasn’t rosy in your family history or if your life had some rough patches? Learn how to write about challenging times with an eye toward triumph. Approach subjects in your family with sensitivity and light. You will come away with mindsets that will help you approach difficult conversations, and difficult questions in your story.

This will a live, full-day workshop taught via Zoom on Saturday, April 9, 2022. There are also self-paced materials online, and there will be a replay (saved in chunks for easy viewing)

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

Sensitive subjects & writing about the hard stuff

$97 USD

  • Learn how to write about challenging times with an eye toward triumph.

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"So many inspiring ideas! Great job!"
"Thank you! Best class I attended at RootsTech."
“I have loved your classes. They have changed my life. I now feel inspired to share with others.”
"I really enjoyed your class and feel like I was set to go on a journey. I have to confess that I was not sold on the storyboard idea at the beginning of the class, but as I have studied it and learned a bit more, I can see and recognize it not only in books and movies but in real life. Very interesting!"
“I have had a terrific time in your class. It has provided a necessary means of accountability. I felt inclined to write some life stories but just wasn't applying the chair glue to do it.”
“I never realized how important writing is to me...I feel blessed to have found your class! Thank you for giving me the tools, and now the confidence, to take the words from my head and place them on paper. You are a fabulous teacher."


Rhonda Lauritzen

Rhonda Lauritzen is a professional biographer with multiple published books. She specializes in life stories, collecting oral history, and historical storytelling. She earned an MBA from the University of Utah and was selected as the Outstanding Graduate in her undergrad major. Before she founded Evalogue.Life in 2016, she served as a college marketing director, Vice President, and a corporate CEO. In 2007, her writing journey began with her parents’ family business saga, which became her first book. Since then, she has been hired to help tell the stories of families, cities, and nonprofits. She believes that when you tell your story, it changes the ending. This is why her passion is teaching, coaching, and presenting at conferences.