Telling the Stories of Buildings and Places (on demand)

Research and tell compelling stories about a building or ancestral place.

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    Telling the Stories of Buildings and Places (on demand) $79 USD
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        “Fantastic presentation! Thank you for all the tips, tools, and source suggestions. Really enjoyed hearing stories about your project.” 

        Teresa K. attendeed when this presentation was offered at the Utah Genealogical Society annual conference in the fall of 2022. 

        "This was my first time attending one of  your presentations, and I am now a big fan.  Your style is informative, interesting, and easy-to-follow.  I appreciate your well-organized handout.  Finally, and most importantly, I have been looking for an effective approach for researching places.  This presentation is worth the price of the Summit for me.  Thank you.”  

        Karen E. attendee when this presentation was offered at the Utah Genealogical Society annual conference in the fall of 2022

         "Thank you for the opportunity to join this course. It was very interesting, motivating and I really enjoyed it.

        Julia S., Germany
        Student in the live class