Family History Business Boot Camp

Replays of a 4-week live course taught spring, 2024

4 recorded lessons + workbook & resources

$99 USD
  • Training to run a successful life story or genealogy business. This is a special price for the on-demand replays taught last year.

Enroll now

Course Summary

This discussion-filled live course will guide you through a strategic planning process to grow a healthy life story or genealogy business. You will come away feeling excited about your pricing strategy, marketing plan, and business framework. There is also a workbook and recorded Q&A from the live class.
Also, I taught NEW material on how A.I. workflows and other automations are saving me 9 hours per week!

I do not currently have plans to teach this class live in 2025, so get the on-demand version now!

Rhonda Lauritzen

Rhonda Lauritzen is a professional biographer with multiple published books. She specializes in life stories, collecting oral history, and historical storytelling. She earned an MBA from the University of Utah and was selected as the Outstanding Graduate in her undergrad major. Before she founded Evalogue.Life in 2016, she served as a college marketing director, Vice President, and a corporate CEO. In 2007, her writing journey began with her parents’ family business saga, which became her first book. Since then, she has been hired to help tell the stories of families, cities, and nonprofits. She believes that when you tell your story, it changes the ending. This is why her passion is teaching, coaching, and presenting at conferences.

You will also get these printables & templates:


Onboarding Checklist

My current client contract

Project templates

Checklist for house histories

Guidelines: Ethical tenets

4 recorded lessons + workbook & resources

$99 USD
  • Training to run a successful life story or genealogy business. This is a special price for the on-demand replays taught last year.

Enroll now

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a recorded class that was taught live over a 4 -week period. The prepared instruction ran about 75 minutes with Q&A afterward. You will be amazed by how much you get done in a short amount of time! 

Yes, you can work at your own pace because it was recorded from a live class. 

There are 4-sessions recorded from live instruction/group coaching. This curriculum was refined after several rounds of teaching, and it is the culmination of decades of experience. There are replays, transcripts, slides, and a great workbook to reinforce concepts for you to review later.
Printed package: You will also receive a package of printed materials, including our life story interview booklets.

This class will have a mix of students who have years of experience in business and want to level up, alongside others who are considering getting started but are not off the ground yet. 

In these classes, I share real examples, and am happy to answer questions about how I run my business at Evalogue.Life.


“I want to THANK YOU. This has been both inspiration and grounding, a rare balance. I actually know what to charge now. This has been the most valuable talk on launching a genealogy business and pricing that I have ever attended! And I have been around.” Debra 
Debra, an attendee of pricing strategies at APG Professional Management Conference

Type something
“Rhonda, Thank you so much for the inspiration, education and encouragement you have so generously given through the weekly course. I feel very lucky to have found you.”
Andrew, Australia
I have thoroughly enjoyed this professional class!!! I've learned so much and all of the resources have been awesome! I appreciate the processes and the tools you've found to work best. Thank you again for offering this course. I’ve just loved it.  
Tera, United States
"Thank you so much for your encouragement. I sometimes feel imposter syndrome, but realize that I AM good at my job even though I am not perfect. Like we all are! Your classes have really helped me reflect and be much better at my work."
Oleah, Unites States
“Thank you for your informative class and the wonderful follow-up emails! Each person in the class enriched my life. Thank you for doing this."
Mary, United States
"Rhonda’s passion and pure excitement is infectious! She is a wonderful speaker with valuable perspective and experience, and I can’t wait to see more webinars by her!"
Jacqueline, attendee of Legacy Family Tree Webinar
"Wonderful presentation by the perfect person for the job! Rhonda’s enthusiasm and story-rich presentation serves as inspiration. Combine that with the step-by-step nuts and bolts information in the syllabus and you have the perfect presentation."
Jane, Attendee at a Legacy Family Tree webinar

Type something
"This session has given me ways to reframe my thinking about pricing--very different than the exercise we did in ProGen a few years ago."
Lesley, attendee at APG Pricing Strategies 
“The whole course is amazing, easy to follow, full of great advice, and the transcription tips are great. I had searched for someone who could teach me with passion and something more powerful. I did my research, read a lot of helpful information on Rhonda's website, and I watched the previews and that convinced me to do this course.” 
Bruce, Australia
"This was one of the best presentations I’ve heard. So useful and so valuable. Thank you for your enthusiasm."
Kathryn, attendee at Legacy Family Tree webinar
"I am so happy to have connected with you and your wonderful professional membership! I want you to know you are appreciated and I am grateful for all your expertise that helps me each month!! The meetings are so worth attending and I know you put your heart and soul into all you do for us. Big THANKS for it all!!
Gladys, United States
"Rhonda Lauritzen: I found your enthusiastic presentation both very interesting and informative. The detailed information you provided gives a clear roadmap for tackling these type of projects. Your accompanying syllabus material also is very much appreciated. Thank you!!!"
Graham, attendee at Legacy Family Tree webinar

What the lessons cover:

Course Curriculum

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I do not have plans to teach this class in a live format this year
so get it now at a reduced price.